God has always sought out men and women willing to take a risk in being obedient to him, and I sense that this is especially true of the era we are living in today. God is seeking men and women to be risk takers in these last days. God is not seeking caretakers to maintain the status quo; he is seeking those willing to take risks. If your church is going to influence the city, both you and the church will have to take risks. Churches will not takes risks unless their pastor takes the risk of leadership and leads the church to take the necessary risks to impact the urban arena.
Recently, I conversed with an urban pastor who told me that the average age of his congregation was seventy-five year old; he continued to tell me that all the church members wanted from their church was to be cared for until they die. Do I even need to explain what is wrong with these members? We each have a choice to make, and we can determine that we will be risk takers for God, or caretakers waiting for the undertaker.
You and I are living in a period in history that Christians and churches must be bolder and possess a greater zeal for the things of God than previous generations, and we cannot be easily discouraged. Cities are being lost to the influences of Satan because the church is not being bold in taking risks. Churches see the cross and shy away from it. Today’s church leaders seek safety and security and their churches are following in their leaders footsteps. All you have to do is look were the urban pastor lives. If he is not practicing incarnation ministry, neither is the church.
I challenge you in words of King David to Solomon, “Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work …of the Lord is finished” (I Chronicles 28:20).
God is seeking churches that will be powerful and dramatically affect their city and society with a biblical worldview, enabling their city to be a better place to live and raise a family. If God has placed your church in the city, he has done so for such a time as this, but it will require both pastor and church to take risks. Jerusalem needed a Temple for the good of the city and the nation. The same is true of your church. The city and the nation need your church to be alive and strong! You must take the words spoken by David to his son Solomon and be strong, courageous, and do the work. Only pastors and churches with the character and faith of an Esther or a Solomon can change their city! I pray you have such character and faith – the city needs you and the city needs your church.
Working in the cities of the world is risking and dangerous, but I tell you that I would rather be in the worse place on earth and know that I am in the center of God’s will, then to be in the safest place on earth and be outside of God’s will for my life! The world’s cities need risk takers who are saved, sanctified, and spirit filled. Without which you will be useless to both Jesus and the cities. The world’s cities need leaders who are well trained, full of knowledge and wisdom, and willing to take a risk and lead their church to impact the cities of this world! The Lord will help you become all of these things, but you have to want it! You have to hunger for it! You have to prioritize your time and energy and make sacrifices! You have to be determined that you will do the work, for there are no entitlements in God’s Kingdoms! God needs you to be a risk taker, not a caretaker waiting for the undertaker; will you take the risks and influence your city for Christ?